Psst, neocons...Iran: IT'S NOT ABOUT US!

Never thought I'd live to see the day when two journalists who are icons of Republican conservatism--Peggy Noonan and George F. WIll--would spring to the defense of Obama's careful handling of the powder keg that is the imminent Second Iran Revolution and condemn the knee-jerk bellicosity of the rest of their party's leaders and shills. Iran's earthshaking grassroots sea change toward power to the people, evolving as we speak, is important to the world in general and to us specifically, of course; but in essence it's about Iran, and we do not and cannot attempt to overtly influence or "own" the results. It's not about us--and woe betide us and the freedom of the Iranian people if we manage to inject ourselves into it. The last thing Iran--and the entire concept of the dissolution of Islamic theocracy--needs is for the mullahs and the Ayatollah to be able to accurately characterize the uprising as American-caused or even "-backed." There are still too many in that world all too eager to see us as the "great Satan," and neither we nor the cause of democracy in the world needs us to fuel that. Obama is doing exactly what needs to be done about Iran: reassure those on the side of freedom and honesty that we encourage freedom and discourage corruption and repression.....not look for another war into which to parachute ourselves or find ourselves having escalated. Especially not when those still in power hold the nuclear cards in their hand (and may it not be a straight, flush or full house). It is indeed thrilling that the Islamic Revolution of 1979 which--though it ousted an outrageous and anachronistic plutocrat--turned out so disastrously for us and for peace and understanding, is now on the brink of falling via a new anti-theocratic, pro-liberty counter-revolution.....and if we play it right, without our aid (or meddling). Does anyone REALLY believe that the Iron Curtain collapsed because Ronald Reagan recited the ghostwritten words, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall?" No, I think humorist-philosopher A. Whitney Brown got it right: "Communism failed," he declared, "because there's no money in it." Well, Islamic theocracy will fail not because of any florid rhetoric from this side of the pond, but because there's no freedom or dignity in it.